Boost health – Obtained Productivity
In the context of our joint project called PRÄWIN, today I joined an event about health management in a companies. The first lecture I saw was about a pilot project named PRAGWA with the goal of workplace health promotion from the business perspective by Rainer Ollmann (gaus GmbH) and Stefan Nacke (amexus GmbH). Rainer Ollmann spoke about the analysis of health risk circumstances and the development of prevention strategies. Afterwards Klaus Heß (TBS) told us about senior-friendly work organisation in the IT industry and we had a panel discussion on this topic moderated by Dr. Kai Seiler (LIGA.NRW).
In my lecture I told the audience about the everyday life at Peperoni with the focus on the internal communications. In the other lectures and the following discussion it was interesting to hear that also other companies have similar challenges within human resources like e.g. implementing tools and offering different fitness possibilities for the team. But you can never address all of your team mates, because everyone has some other preferences and it is almost impossible to always involve the whole team in the activities.
Also the other two companies from our joint project did a presentation about their first findings in the project. Roland Westermaier (Pixelpark AG) spoke about shifting demands on employees and continuous advanced vocational training because of the rapid technological development. And Wilfried Biallas together with Heinz-Walter Schweitzer-Kuhnke (Laupenmühlen Druck GmbH & Co. KG) told us about their so-called steering committee and how it is when the management and the works council are sitting together in the same boot.
Dr. Eleftheria Lehmann (LIGA.NRW) and Dr. Claudius H. Riegler (Projektträger DLR)
Kurzvorstellung „PRÄWIN„: Nachhaltige Arbeitsqualität für KMU in der IT- und Medienbranche
Dr. Guido Becke (artec)
Betriebliche Potenziale für exzellente Servicequalität und leistungsfähige Mitarbeitende nutzen
Dr. Joachim Hafkesbrink (innowise GmbH) and Sandra Schmidt (artec)
Ziele der Gesundheitsförderung und Unterstützungsbedarf aus unternehmerischer Perspektive
Stefan Nacke (amexus GmbH & Co. KG) and Rainer Ollmann (gaus GmbH)
Alternsgerechte Arbeitsgestaltung in der IT-Branche
Klaus Heß (TBS)
Mitarbeiterorientierte Kapazitätsplanung von IT-Projekten
Roland Westermaier (Pixelpark AG)
Unternehmenskommunikation als Beteiligungsstrategie (Corporate Communications)
Maciej Kuszpa (Peperoni Mobile & Internet Software GmbH)
Der Lenkungskreis: Geschäftsführung und Betriebsrat in einem Boot
Wilfried Biallas and Heinz-Walter Schweitzer-Kuhnke (Laupenmühlen Druck GmbH & Co. KG)
Diskussion der Arbeitsgruppenergebnisse und Ausblick
Dr. Kai Seiler (LIGA.NRW) and Dr. Peter Bleses (artec)