Märkisches Lernfest, Hagen

The venue „Sparkassen-Karree“, lecture of Andreas and his booth demonstration, Erik Schulz (agentur mark) and me.

Today we had the 2nd „Märkisches Lernfest“ in Hagen, this time in the „Sparkassen-Karree“ and our „Volkspark“. This yearly learning festival is organised by agentur mark GmbH and attracts many local companies, public institutions and different artists. And I suppose our old business content, Mr. Erik Schulz, Managing Director of agentur mark GmbH, was also quite satisfied with the audience rush today.

I joined the booth of the University of Hagen with my project Mobile Education Center of Excellence. My research colleague Andreas Bischoff had a lecture on today’s festival and among other things he also presented his Pediaphon. Beside the exhibition there were also some forums and a stage with a varied program. And in the evening we could experience a conductor course with Dr. Antony Hermus and the Philharmonische Orchester Hagen.

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