The Future of Mobile Learning – A Survey of Expert Expectations about learning on mobile phones


The Future of Mobile Learning – A Survey of Expert Expectations about learning on mobile phones,
Kuszpa, Maciej
in: Online Educa 2005, Book of Abstracts, Berlin 2005, Conference CD
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The increasing activities in German-speaking countries – particularly in the private enterprises – regarding mobile learning offerings are the reason for the survey that has been carried out. The technological development and the constant increase in mobile device penetration among the population are check less. This progress causes sustainable changes in the e-learning industry as well. The companies involved face a big challenge and a unique chance: education in every place in the world and at any time as the core characteristics of Mobile Learning.

The goal of the survey was to extract perceptions from private enterprise companies regarding the technological and economical potential of mobile technologies in educational fields. The aspects focused on were basic development trends, but also specific applications and still unsolved challenges and problems in this new research field. The lessons learnt from the survey are on the one hand snapshots of the current interests in Mobile Learning and on the other hand serve the draft of recommended courses of action for the e-learning companies.

The survey presented was conducted in the beginning of 2005 at companies from Germany, Switzerland und Austria. 1,012 experts were addressed who are involved in the conception, production and/or launch of computer-based learning offers. The aim was to query people who have relevant experience and/or expert knowledge about learning offers in the new media. The questionnaire enfolded an overall of 23 questions from the areas of trends, applications and challenges of Mobile Learning. The results from the questions about the expected extent as well as the advantages and disadvantages of Mobile Learning are exemplified in the present abstract. With 170 filled out questionnaires, the return rate was almost 17 %. Exactly 168 questionnaires were included into the data evaluation, because two questionnaires had only been rudimentarily filled out. The evaluated questionnaires stem from 137 different companies.

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