Virtual University goes mobile: Experiences with Mobile Learning at the University in Hagen


Virtual University goes mobile: Experiences with Mobile Learning at the University in Hagen
Kuszpa, Maciej
in: Center of Distance Education (Hrsg.): Tagungsband „Virtual University: models, tools and practice“, Warschau 2005, CD-ROM
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In order to gather first experiences with the possibilities and limitations of mobile education at the University of Hagen, in 2002 a first mobile learning offering was designed that represents the subjects of a graduate course. The particularities of the ideas to learn with a mobile device demand a radical change in concepts of mobile education offerings due to the new teaching and learning concepts associated. This means, that not learning new content is the main educational aim but rather a check of how far learning has progressed already and to enable an exchange between students themselves and between students and teachers. This paper presents current learning scenarios on mobile end devices and support tools for teachers to supplement mobile learning to educational offerings. Furthermore, it discusses ideas for new didactic and technological developments in the field of mobile learning and presents the research activities of the Mobile Education Center of Excellence.

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