Invitation to Deutsche Telekom AG, Telekom Training

Telekom Training conference hotel and the mobile learning working group.

By invitation of Telekom Training, I went to Neuss to meet a mobile learning working group of Deutsche Telekom AG and tell them about our findings on mobile learning. Beside people from Telekom Training, representatives of T-Mobile International and Technisch-wissenschaftliche Informatik AG (TWI AG) – the E-Learning Developer of Deutsche Telekom AG – joined the round table conference. This exchange of experiences toke place in the Telekom Training conference hotel in Neuss and it was a great opportunity for me to gain insight of the work at Deutsche Telekom AG on mobile learning.

Mr. Colongo from TWI AG had an interesting presentation of their mobile learning product called „MobilePlayer„. The next step for them is to try out the possibilities of mobile adobe flash for learning modules. Hopefully we can see some progress with that on the next Learntec in 2008 :o)

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