Learntec 2007 – Day 2.0, Karlsruhe, Germany

Learntec 2007
Me and the official mascot of the learntec 2007.

Microlearning as add-on for E-Learning

On my second day in Karlsruhe I had one lecture left: „Mobile Learning – Anwendungen, Potenziale und individualisierte Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für arbeitsintegriertes Lernen“. In the beginning of my lecture I was curious if really everyone in the audience has a mobile phone. And actually there was one person who didn’t have one! Later on I gave him a bottle of wine, because today it is so unusual to meet people without a cell phone. He was pleased with the present :o)

The Project „Pediaphon“ of my colleague Andreas Bischoff is getting more and more attention. Many visitors came by to marvel at this tool for automatically generated MP3 files, playlists and podcasts from Wikipedia. I hope Andreas will soon also find a way to earn money with that :o)

Finally I should mention the entertaining, but also interesting fair talk „Web 2.0 – Microlearning unterwegs mit Handy oder Smartphone“ with Dr. Martin Lindner from the E-Learning Research Studios in Salzburg/Austria. Our neighbours seem to face the same experiences and challenges with Mobile Learning as we do.

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