Mobile Learning in Economic Education


Projektpräsentation (auf Englisch) vor Vertretern der ER+T Academic Network der EADTU – European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, an der FernUniversität in Hagen.

Since its foundation more than 25 years ago the FernUniversität in Hagen has developed into one of the biggest universities in Germany. As the first and only distance teaching university in the German-speaking countries and regions it offers degree programmes at the undergraduate and graduate levels as well as research-oriented academic further education. The May 27 seminar is dedicated to advanced technology for lifelong open and flexible learning.

Auszug aus dem Programm:

  • Mobile Learning in Economics Education
    Maciej Kuszpa
  • Virtual Laboratories at FernUniversität in Hagen
    Bernhard Fechner
  • Equal Opportunities in comparative perspective
    Ulrike Schultz, Sandra Hansen
  • Flashcards in Mathematics Higher Education
    Silke Hartlieb
  • FuXML: A Content Authoring System
    Gerd Steinkamp
  • Building Content with Reusable Learning Objects
    Timo Borst

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