the PhonePages of Sweden AB, Sweden

thephonepages web site, company logo and a ‚phonepage‘.

ThePhonePages with

I stumbled on The PhonePages of Sweden AB in the Swedish Pavilion at the CeBIT 2002. This company was founded in January 2000 and claimed to be a pioneer in the field of event driven services for the Mobile Internet and to have more than 500 patent claims in USA, Europe and Asia protecting their technology. They also won the European IST Prize in 2003 and had a similar service to our mobile sites service called The PhonePages of Sweden AB developed a completely new technique for mobile Internet by automatically linking telephone numbers to so-called ‚phonepages‘. A phonepage was a web page that could be viewed in small displays of e.g. mobile phones or PDA’s. That allowed calls to be augmented with images – ‚phonepages‘ – that are user-definable allowing complete, personal autonomy over design and content. But today the domains and seem to be inactive.

Firstly The Phone Pages of Sweden AB was funded by Ledstiernan AB wit 24,3 Mio. SEK for 35,6% (today around Mio. EUR) and later on by Siemens Mobile Acceleration GmbH (shut down in January 2006) with 10.8 Mio. SEK for 10.7.% (today around 2.578 Mio. EUR). There is still one of their business presentations on the net, but I can’t really find out what happened to this Swedish company and the main people behind like Carina Dreifeldt (at that time CEO) and Henrik Olesen (at that time Director of Sales). However Jan Hörnström (at that time Director of Marketing) is working for another company today.

I like their old slogans, because they were somehow ahead of the times: „from Homepage to Phonepage“ and „The true merger between the Internet and Telecom“ :o)

1 Gedanke zu „the PhonePages of Sweden AB, Sweden“

  1. Funny, I found this blog today, 1,5 year after it was posted. Yes Phonepages was really ahead of times. So actually, what happened with Phonepages? We sold the patent portfolio August 2006 in a multi million dollar deal to a mobile phone manufactor. Now we have started a new business, Again it is based on a new patent pending solution. feel free to try it out /Carina

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