Nikolauslauf Herdecke 2009 am Hengsteysee

26. Nikolauslauf des Ruderclubs Westfalen Herdecke Heute habe ich am 26. Nikolauslauf des Ruderclubs Westfalen Herdecke teilgenommen. Jedes Jahr organisieren der Ruderclub diesen spaßigen Volkslauf um unseren See namens Hengsteysee mit einer Länge von 9,6 km. Zusammen mit meinem Teamkollegen Oliver brauchten wir rund 59 Minuten für diese Laufstrecke und erreichten die Plätze 565 und weiterlesen…

Event on how to organise the power of innovation

Boost innovation (with Freelancer) in companies I joined the event „Innovationskraft im Betrieb organisieren – Beispiele aus Europa“ („To organise the power of innovationin the company – examples from Europe“) at the Federal Employment Office in Hagen. After the reception Andreas Franke (frankepartner GmbH) spoke about best practices cases from Scandinavia. Afterwards Stefan Süß, Shiva weiterlesen…

Mobile Learning Day 2009, Hagen

Exchange of experiences on M-Learning The Mobile Learning Day 2009 on the 19th of November 2009 at the University of Hagen (FernUniversität in Hagen) was the second successful conference on the topic of Mobile Learning. The event addressed the scientific community as well as people from the area of e-learning and advanced vocational training. This weiterlesen…

Dies Academicus 2009 at the FernUniversität

eKnowledge Network and Innovation Center is coming Every year in the course of the „Dies Academicus“ we have an awards ceremony at the FernUniversität in Hagen for the best degree holders in 2009. And this year there was a podium about learning and sense-making in socio-technical networks and an introduction in the concept of a weiterlesen…

Was ist Mobile Learning

Pupils explain where to learn with the cell phone Today I got positive surprised by a short video (in German) about „What is Mobile Learning„. In a school project at the „Berufliche Schule Uferstraße“ in Hamburg the pupils made this great movie with everyday situations in which you can use Mobile Learning. This school seems weiterlesen…

My Birthday 2009

Celebrate six days long This year I tried something new; instead of one big party like last year (my Halloween Birthday Party), I have several small events, starting yesterday and feasting on until next Wednesday. Yesterday evening I had some cocktails with Matthäus Krzykowski at the cocktail bar essence. Today I firstly had a small get-together with the weiterlesen…