School reunion after 15 years

Back to school – time passing by Exactly 15 years ago I made my ‚Abitur‚ (diploma from German secondary school qualifying for university admission or matriculation) and today we had a school reunion at my old high-school in Hagen called „Gymnasium Hohenlimburg„. It was a big and funny event at the schoolyard with current pupils, teachers and weiterlesen…

Academy of Fine Arts in Maastricht, Netherlands

Graduation 2009 at ABK Maastricht Today I went to an exhibition by some talented designers from the Academie Beeldende Kunsten Maastricht. For example Matylda Krzykowski, a graduate who wants to be a designer, presented her work called ‚modus operandi‚, a series of wooden archetype chairs which she raid like a serial killer 🙂

Kruisherenhotel Maastricht, Netherlands

Design between Heaven and Earth During my stay in Maastricht I slept in the designer hotel Kruisherenhotel which is a former cloister. The hotel was styled by many international internationally renowned designers like Henk Vos, Ingo Maurer, Marc Newson, Piet Heyn Eeck, Philippe Starck and Roderick Vos. It was quite fancy to stay overnight in a convent and weiterlesen…