Symposium on Win-Win-Strategies in the IT industry

Boost health – Obtained Productivity In the context of our joint project called PRÄWIN, today I joined an event about health management in a companies. The first lecture I saw was about a pilot project named PRAGWA with the goal of workplace health promotion from the business perspective by Rainer Ollmann (gaus GmbH) and Stefan weiterlesen…

Making Friends with Strangers on Social Networks

Social Media Optimization for Social Media Social Media Optimization isn’t really new in the industry, so why not use Social Media Marketing to boost your own Social Service? I have found some Social Media Marketing Tactics on the web like e.g. ‚Five Pillars of Social Media Marketing‚ and ‚How to Leverage Web 2.0 & Social Media weiterlesen…

Experiences with Mobile Advertisement Optimizers

Many Aspects to consider by Optimizing Inventory Some days ago I wrote about Whom should Mobile Social Networks partner with in Mobile Advertising and today I would like to share some experience from the perspective of a publisher with three mobile advertisement optimizer;, and (now yahoo advertising). Beside smooth technical integration the weiterlesen…

bizeps Event on Financing Options for Founders and Startups

Event ‚Finanzierungswege für Gründer und Start-ups‘ Ulrike Timmler (bizeps, BUW) invited me to join a discussion panel with different entrepreneurs on a event at the University of Wuppertal about financing options for founders and startups. After a short key note by Patrick Sassmannshausen (Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovations Research – iENTRIE) Mehrdad Piroozram (iSteps) told the audience weiterlesen…

Mobile BarCamp Dresden (1st day)

BarCamp in focus on the mobile industry The first Mobile BarCamp in Germany was located in the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of Dresden and after a big round of introductions we got the session proposals for the first day. The first session I visited was hosted by Willi Schroll (Strategic Labs i.G.) about Mobile weiterlesen…

City trip Dresden, Saxony

The City of Dresden, Capital of the German State Saxony The day before the Mobile BarCamp I had the chance to enjoy a small sight-seeing tour in Dresden. For the beginning I was inside the Dresden Frauenkirche – this church has been completely reconstructed after the war and today you had a lovely view from the viewing platform. weiterlesen…

2nd Cologne Web Content Forum 2009, Cologne

Mobile content for the next decade Somehow I missed the first one, but today I visit the 2nd Cologne Web Content Forum 2009 with the title ‚Inhalte für das nächste Jahrzehnt‘ hosted by eco – Verband der deutschen Internetwirtschaft e.V. After the keynote ‚Web 3.0 – Wie sehen Inhalte im nächsten Jahrzehnt aus?‘ by Dr. weiterlesen…