Rating Party 1/2009 at peperonity.com

Proactive Moderation is Key for Community Growth Of course it’s hard work and a big issue for all community services, but spending some hours with moderating your community is also always a great possibility to stick around your user base. On the one hand you will see what’s going on and you will get a better feeling for weiterlesen…

mobile-facts.com goes live – good luck!

Analysis of the mobile industry Finally after months of hard code work, several heated debates, sleepless nights and a server crash over in the US, the dudes of mobile-facts.com are live now! It’s great to see the progress of Daniel Hartmann and Matthäus Krzykowski, even if their deadlines sometimes have been postponed. The turbo analysis weiterlesen…

Mobile World Congress 2009 in Barcelona, Spain (4th day)

Great party hosted by myspace.com Today I tried to find some ‚free‘ time to run around the exhibition and to discover some new exciting developments. After having a last meeting this year at the Mobile World Congress – with Laurence Aderemi and Thomas Schulz from admob.com – it was time to say goodbye to the booth weiterlesen…

Mobile World Congress 2009 in Barcelona, Spain (3rd day)

Best networking always in the evenings After my today’s appointments I went to an information session about AdSense for Mobile Search hosted by Hugo Barra from google. It was a quick presentation on to how brand the google tools for own services and drive traffic back into you portal. And of course how to make more money by weiterlesen…

Mobile World Congress 2009 in Barcelona, Spain (2nd day)

Smaato Mobile Advertising Award Ceremony Another busy day at the Mobile World Congress with some interesting talks with some great people from especially the mobile advertisement industry like Fabio Pezzotti (mobango), Sarah McCluskey (4th-screen), Peter Bewsher (funkysexycool) and Jonathan MacDonald (OgilvyOne). In the evening I joined the Smaato Party named Mobile Media TweetUp in collaboration with SIMYO and weiterlesen…

Mobile World Congress 2009 in Barcelona, Spain (1st day)

A very busy Mobile World Congress 2009 The first day at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona was quite busy, but luckily I had a motivated team with me and the booth organisation was great, so I could relaxative focus on my business meetings. Amongst others I also had a chat with Ben Tatton-Brown and Harry weiterlesen…

Mobile Sunday Barcelona, Spain

Big gathering of the mobile industry Today we arrived in Barcelona for the Mobile World Congress which will start tomorrow. But already tonight we had the first events. Firstly we went to the BBrB ba ba reeba for dinner with other co-exhibitors from Germany like Twistbox Games, VIVAI Software AG and itec systems AG. Our weiterlesen…

Whom should Mobile Social Networks partner with in Mobile Advertising?

The Mobile Advertising Ecosystem There are several business models for Mobile Social Networks (MSN). Asking users to pay for either community membership or for premium content like virtual goods are two examples. Lately, a few players have been experimenting with different premium models. Nevertheless, it seems to me that our market segment still favours the weiterlesen…