Here Comes Another Bubble v1.1 – The Richter Scales

Secret of success in the silicon valley This one poped up during surfing the web. I found it on the blog of Vero Pepperrell alias ‚That Canadian Girl‘. It is just perfect in moments of ‚uninspiration‘ or defeat in the (mobile) web 2.0 battle, because somehow it makes you smile 🙂 An here is the weiterlesen… goes Spanish, Romanian and Greek

Today we launched three new languages, so now we have in 10 languages; This time our team mates Ines, Panos and Codruta were making the various translations. Press review in some spanish publications:,,,, and And a romanian publication:

Mobile 2.0 Europe, Barcelona

A Day Exploring the future of Mobile Today I joined the first Mobile 2.0 Europe in Barcelona, a conference bringing people together from all aspects of the mobile ecosystem, including startups, investors, mobile carriers, device manufacturers, mobile application developers and web technologists. All in all a very interesting event with some very good controversy like weiterlesen…

School leaving ball with the ‘Sechs in the City’

Abitur 2008 at Gymnasium Hohenlimburg Today I was on a school leaving ball at my old school Gymnasium Hohenlimburg to celebrate the school leaving examination (Abi 2008) of my idols ’sechs in the city‘. You maybe don’t know this girls, but they are quite famous in our village Hagen. After the ceremony in the school, weiterlesen…

City trip Berlin, Germany

Berlin, Berlin, wir fahren nach Berlin 🙂 Because of a business meeting with Jamba, I was once again in Berlin and also had the possibility to a enjoy a teeny city trip. Having beautiful weather and running around from ‘Unter den Linden’, through ‘Tiergarten’ to ‘Kurfürstendamm’, I saw among other things the ‘Fernsehturm’, ‘Humboldt Universität’, weiterlesen…

Mobile Monday, Munich

Mobile Monday Demo Night in Munich It was my first MobileMonday DEMO NIGHT, so I was quite curious what we can expect from the MoMo team Munich this time. At this event 9 companies got the chance to present their product, service or technology in a 5 minutes presentation (without PowerPoint :o) and followed by weiterlesen…