Mobile Internet World Europe Summit, Munich

How to Profit from the Next Generation of the Internet Today I run into the Mobile Internet World Europe Summit in Munich. I wasn’t sure if the topics would be interesting for me, but already the start was juicy; Declan Lonergan from Yankee Group showing the top 10 of the most used mobile sites on weiterlesen…

Maciej’s site on Some days ago I updated my mobile site on I have posted some comments on my team mates, our headquarters and my work and uploaded some pics. So have a look – more to come 🙂 And here are some fan e-mails from around the world:

Mobile Monday, Frankfurt

MoMo – Mobile Marketing and Advertising Mit Marcus Ladwig und Sandra Frielingsdorf (Peperoni) sowie Dr. Michael Stepping und Richard Sotke (avinotec) war ich auf dem Mobile Monday zum Thema „Exercise in Mobile Marketing and Advertising“ in Frankfurt unterwegs. Agenda: 18:30 Compendium Mobile Marketing mit Jens Klemann, Managing Partner, STRATECO GmbH & Co. KG Gesellschaft für weiterlesen…

Business Breakfast, Privatbrauerei Iserlohn GmbH, Iserlohn

Netzwerken in der Privatbrauerei Iserlohn Mein letzter Besuch bei einem Business Breakfast ist schon lange her. Ich kenne den Organisator Bo Bäckström von Albatross 78, der bereits 2002 mit diesem Business Breakfast in unserer Region startete. Gastgeber war dieses Mal die Privatbrauerei Iserlohn GmbH und nach dem leckeren Frühstück hörten wir uns verschiedene Vorträge über weiterlesen…

CeBIT 2008, Hanover

Trade show and Innovators‘ Pitch And like every year CeBIT is coming and again we are going to Hanover. Before runing around in all of the exhibition halls, I went to the ‚Innovators‘ Pitch Business‘ organized by BITKOM e.V. This event helps young companies to find venture capital and business angels, but it was also a great experience for me weiterlesen…