1st WAP-Master Workshop

Location, initial hellos from Stefan, workshop and lottery drawing with Christian and Alex.

The first WAP-Master Workshop (mobile webtainment event series) hosted by carmunity.de was in the Hotel Atlantic Universum just beside the Universum Science Center Bremen (the futuristic building on the pic). After the initial hellos from Stefan Kathmeyer (carmunity.de) Alexander Repty (carmunity.de) guided us through the day. About 15 people attend this workshop and we spoke e.g about mobile site design, traffic generation and traffic analysis.

In Bremen I also met Christian (bango.com) who had a lecture „Das T-I-P Modell, mit drei Faktoren zum Erfolg“ in the afternoon. We also saw a ‚live traffic ticker‚ from bango.com with real-time sample of visits and payments on Bango enabled mobile sites. Christian is one of my abiding blog readers and he told me that I should write oftener in my blog – he is right, but where to find more time for all the things you COULD do in life. You should focus on the things you SHOULD do in life :o)

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