Investor AllStars Venture Capital Awards, London

Guests, Emily Maitlis, Sherry Coutu getting check for Prince’s Trust and Bennett Arron.

Investor AllStars Ceremony 2007

By invitation of Per Roman (GP Bullhound) I went to the Investor AllStars Venture Capital Awards hosted by Emily Maitlis, in Hilton Park Lane, London. I liked the keynote speech by Dr. Steve Garnett, Chairman of, speaking about five critical success factors; persuasive vision, turnover as the solution for all problems, a team committed to the mission, common business model and you need the right heads for the job.

It was a great opportunity for me to join this event, because I also got some valuable insights from Mark Bennett (Graphico, a successful entrepreneur) and Gregory Carson (UBS, a very experienced investment banker). And it was also a pleasure to meet the GP Bullhound team with Manish Madhvani, Christian Lagerling and Hanlie Burger. But the highlight of the evening was that Index Ventures got two awards, but they didn’t show up on this event :o)

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