Meffys Mobile Entertainment Awards 2007, London

Ceremony hall, Martin Harris, Ivanka and me and gambling people.

The trip to London and the Meffys Mobile Entertainment Awards 2007 was quite fun today, because first our airplane had almost 4 hours delay, so we went for some food in the restaurant ‚Bella Vista‚ at the Dortmund Airport, than we had to wait to take off because some birds were on the runway, so later on I had to change my clothes on the train (is this a breach of the public order :o), but because of the perfect trip scheduling of Marcus we arrived just in time of the award ceremony. Unfortunately we didn’t get a award this evening, but I am happy for our friends Martin Harris (bango) and Andy Smith (admob) – this night celebrating together with Ivanka Hahnenberger and Russell Buckley – making it big this time (again!). We also had some quite amusing tabel mates; Sven Halling (Terraplay), Darren True (Terraplay), Toby Downes (U-Turn), Jeremy Widdup (U-Turn) and some lovely ladies from MEF :o)

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