Mobile Monday, Munich

Mobile Monday Demo Night in Munich

It was my first MobileMonday DEMO NIGHT, so I was quite curious what we can expect from the MoMo team Munich this time. At this event 9 companies got the chance to present their product, service or technology in a 5 minutes presentation (without PowerPoint :o) and followed by 2 minutes Q&A session from the MobileMonday selected experts like Jarkko Tolvi (Forum NOKIA), Maks Giordano (ProSiebenSat1), Marc Frey (Intellimedia), Olaf Groß (Hightext Verlag), Russell Buckley (AdMob) and Declan Lonergan (Yankee Group).

Mobile Monday München
The audience and the 9 demo show companies.

We had a very entertaining show made by the following companies;,,,, JFL Video Service,, Kooaba, kimia and Extrajetzt. And the winner of the MobileMonday Germany Demo Night Award this time is…

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