Mobile Monday, First MoMo Germany National Summit, Frankfurt

Lectures, Predictions, The Peperoni Glühwein Reception, our xmas hostess and me.

2008 – Year of the Mobile Web

On this First MobileMonday Germany National Summit in Frankfurt Peperoni was one of the event sponsors and after the several interesting lectures we made The Peperoni Glühwein Reception. The event program was about Mobile Trends 2008. Mostly I enjoyed the lecture of Russell with his 10 prediction for 2008; the first one was that ‚2008 is the „Year of the Mobile Web“ … but not in Germany!‘. Prediciton # 2 for 2008 was ‚The rise and rise of Specialist MoSoSo (Germany is the world leader)‘ and showing as an best practices – honestly, we didn’t pay Russell for that :o)

The original prediciton can be found here: 1,2,3 4,5,6 7,8,9,10

The Master of Ceremony was Ossi Urchs as always and this was the event agenda:

13:00 Registration and Welcome Drink

14:00 Emerging Platforms

  • Qualcomm, Bernhard von Canstein: „What’s next for Mobile Media & TV? Powerful Lessons from the MediaFlo Ecosystem in the US“
  • Netbiscuits, Michael Neidhöfer: „Bring real Internet Experiences to Mobile Users: Usability as driver for traffic on mobile websites with examples from eBay, Bild, Spiegel and kicker“
  • T-Online, Anja Thies: „2008 – The Year of Context and Convergence at T-Online mobil“

15:30 Food for Thought

17:30 Platform & Applications Trends 

19:30 The Peperoni Glühwein Reception

20:00 MobileMonday Reception: One Year of MobileMonday Get-together

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