Mobile World Congress, Barcelona (1st day)

Russell at the admob stand, MoMo friends, Opening Party and girls at the T-Mobile Party :o)

Mobile World Congress with admob, avinotec, netbiscuits and MobileMonday

The first day of the Mobile World Congress was quite busy, but it was great to see so many ‚old‘ and ’new‘ faces. And I was very positive surprised to see advertising with „Monetize your mobile Traffic with AdMob“ on the admob stand (D64) in hall 7. During the day I also went to the MobileMonday Peer Awards 2008 in the Espacio Movistar. There were around 25 companies fighting for the awards, but I didn’t really see much innovation around. However it was a good networking event, meeting MobileMonday friends from Germany like Harald Müller and Daniel Melter or (for me new) admob team mates like Elijah Calderón-Morin.

After the fair we went together with our business friends Michael Stepping and Richard Sotke from avinotec GmbH to the official Opening Party of Mobile World Congress. It was really a big event with live music, finger food and drinks. Later on we moved by accident to a T-Mobile Party and stumbled into some dudes and Annika Held from Dynetic Solutions GmbH / All in all it was a very funny evening :o)

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