CeBIT 2007 (5th day – update)

E-Learning Day, Bitkom Innovators‘ Pitch, Superstar Guildo Horn and exhibitors from Hagen.

Today we had the ‚Day of E-Learning 2007‘ (German: Tag des eLearning 2007) – a conference with the focus on „Simulative and Informal Learning – Potentials in Operating Process“ (German: Simulatives und informelles Lernen – Potentiale im Arbeitsprozess) orga by E-Learning Zentrum in Hanover. Amongst other things I heard the lecture of Peter Krauss-Hoffmann, Moderator Initiativkreis Lebenslanges Lernen (INQA-Lernen) about „Lebenslanges Lernen als ein Fokus in der Initiative Neue Qualität der Arbeit (INQA). At the conference I also met Uwe und Nadine von Weinreich GmbH – two of my mobile learning contacts.

On my way to the Bitkom Innovators‘ Pitch Event I run into a live performance of the old German Superstar Guildo Horn. Even if you don’t see him often in media this days, he manage to get the crowd go crazy.

I was glad to hear that amiando AG won the Bitkom Innovators‘ Pitch Award, because I like their service – it’s maybe not very innovative, put sometimes very helpful. Later on I got the chance to speak with Felix, co-founder and chief of amiando, so I could congratulate him. Furthermore I also met John, managing director of Portal United Ltd., but unfortunately their product didn’t have a chance against On the event I also met some old contacts like Oliver from chilli mind GmbH, Wolfgang S. from Vodafone Group R&D Germany and Christian from Four2B GmbH.

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