CeBIT 2008, Hanover

Trade show and Innovators‘ Pitch

And like every year CeBIT is coming and again we are going to Hanover. Before runing around in all of the exhibition halls, I went to the ‚Innovators‘ Pitch Business‘ organized by BITKOM e.V. This event helps young companies to find venture capital and business angels, but it was also a great experience for me to see live a ‚old‘ entrepreneur like Prof. Dr. Dr. August-Wilhelm Scheer (chairman of BITKOM e.V.). And also the jury was quite prominent staffed; Dr. Dirk Kleine (SevenSenses), Rolf Kleinwächter (Fujitsu Siemens Computers), Bruno Wallraf (KPMG), Dr. Jan Bomholt (BrainsToVentures), Dr. Sven Hischke (Deutsche Telekom) and Andreas Wodtke (IBM Deutschland). There were two fights; Gabriel F. Yoran from aka-aki GmbH (winner) against Ragnar Kruse from Smaato Inc. AND Matthias Kandeler from Technologies GmbH (winner) against Matthias Krause from TalentRun.

August-Wilhelm Scheer, Gabriel from aka-aki, Peperoni mates and the Olá Brasil party 🙂

In the evening, after an arduous day, the Peperoni team (Marcus Ladwig, Sandra Frielingsdorf, Maximilian Stollbrock and me) went to the North Rhine-Westphalia Reception – inaugurated by Christa Thoben, Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy of State of NRW – with refreshing beer and some culinary delights. And later on to the Olá Brazil Party – Weil Hannover genau 9.782 km von Rio de Janeiro entfernt ist! – at the D-Link booth with hit brazil dancing show and great cocktails 🙂

1 Gedanke zu „CeBIT 2008, Hanover“

  1. hi..again..i saw this cebit story in the news ..yesterday..and i was with my eyes so open..trying to see if something related to didn´t..
    anyway..i hope you made good deals…!!!

    bye bye…

    one more thing ..i haven´t forgot to send you my curriculum..i just didn´t had the time..i promise i will send this week..!

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