1st Mobile Webtainment

Me, Wolfgang Schlösser with the Mobile Cash Cow and the audience.

Adult Entertainment goes Mobile

My lecture on the 1th Mobile Webtainment in Hamburg was about „Big Money with Mobile Adult Communities – Verborgene Chancen für den mobilen Adult-Webmaster“. It was interesting in the conversations with the visitors and in the other lectures to hear about the developments and the ideas about mobile adult services. Other speakers were Christian Kreul from bango (Die mobile Möglichkeit – Ein alternativer Umsatzkanal), Gunnar Steger from NetVision (Live-Content für Mobil-Anwendungen. Die Möglichkeiten und die Vorteile von real live on phone) and Alexander Repty from carmunity („Vom Webmaster zum erfolgreichen WAP-Master“).

Unfortunately we also had sad news about our friends from bango; Stephanie and Mark are leaving the company. But I am sure we will meet them soon again!

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