Milestone – Web 2.0 achievements in 6 months

New experiences on my web 2.0 expedition…

Six months have past since I started this blog on and until today I all in all invested 57.5 working hours for building and updating it. But still, it’s more than fun to blog and use „web 2.0“ for investigation, documentation and discussion. In the big hype about web 2.0 the whole industry often forget the valuably and time-consuming effort of all the users that don’t only use, but particularly animate all those services. And because I am not only curious, but also working in this field, there is still a lot for me to discover – in the next days I hope to find the time for exploring e.g., and

Most of my visitors come through the domain, but also by searching for „peperonity“ on various web search engines. They also search for people, e.g. Ray (bango), Dejan (airg) or Lukasz (spreadshirt). One search query, that drove a visitor to my blog, was about how to make „selfmade pictures of some sexy girls“ :o)

Today’s short news: Christian Kreul is now working for our business friend GmbH. He used to work for Limited – also one of our business partners – as Business Development Manager. Good luck with your new duties and responsibilities, Christian!

And some statistics for my log file on 2007.07.01:

  • 3,483 total views; 205 views on best day ever; 109 total posts; 27 total comments; 35 total tags
  • my connections = 304; two degrees away = 26.500; three degrees away = 754.327
  • my connections = 51; two degrees away = 6,300+; three degrees away = 517,400+
  • Rank 817 (83 points)
  • Rank 135
  • Rank 1,116,129

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