New management book about „Organisation“

Prof. Scherm and Dr. Pietsch on the final proof-reading.

Finally, we can celebrate another new management book about „Organisation“ on our Chair of Business Administration, Organization and PlanningDepartment of Business Administration and Economics, University in Hagen. Today I prepared a printer’s copy for Oldenbourg together with Prof. Ewald Scherm and Dr. Gotthard Pietsch. The book will be available on the market in September 2007.

I would also like to refer to another interesting new publication of Gotthard Pietsch and Christian Maaß (working now for Lycos Europe GmbH) entitled  „Web 2.0 als Mythos, Symbol und Erwartung“. It is published by the Department of Business Administration and Economics, University in Hagen. It could be a valuable and/or entertaining reading for German speaking Web 2.0 companions :o)

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