Holiday – Majorca (10th day) – Palma

Palma Cathedral far and close, Bellver Castle and panorama over Palma.

And don’t forget the main city, if you visit Majorca. Palma de Mallorca has an awesome Roman Catholic Cathedral, an Old Town and a long marina. I also visit the Bellver Castle on a hill to the north of the city, where you have a great panorama over Palma.

It’s been a while since I studied management at the University of Dortmund and learned about the importance of business location, but on Majorca I found a great example of its true value; a 1.5 liter bottle of water (same brand) costs 5.00 Euro in the marina of Palma de Majorca, 1.50 Euro downtown in Sóller, 0.45 Euro in a side road in Port de Sóller and 0.30 Euro in a small grocery store in Fornalutx.

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