Raspberry Cheese Cake

Raspberry Cheese Cake (Himbeer Käsekuchen)

After getting home from work, I found this incredibly delicious raspberry cheese cake in the kitchen. This heavenly pleasure is indescribable, you just have to try it yourself. Here is the recipe:


  • 225 g butter (Butter)
  • 250 g powdered sugar (Puderzucker)
  • 180 g flour (Mehl)
  • 300 g deep frozen raspberry (tiefgekühlte Himbeeren)
  • 750 g low fat curd cheese (Magerquark)
  • 250 ml buttermilk (Buttermilch)
  • 60 g cornflour (Speisestärke)
  • 4 eggs (Eier)
  • 3 table spoons orange juice (Orangensaft)
  • 1 prize salt (Prise Salz)
  • 1 package vanilla sugar (Vanillezucker)


  1. For the dough (Teig) you have to knead 100 g butter (Butter), 40 g (Puderzucker), salt (Salz), 1 egg (Ei) and flour (Mehl), wrap it into foil and cool for about 30 minutes.
  2. Boil up the raspberry (Himbeeren) and 50 g powdered sugar (Puderzucker), stir 15 g cornflour (Speisestärke) and orange juice (Orangensaft), add it to the raspberry (Himbeeren), let it boil up shortly and squeeze the mass through a fine sieve.
  3. Roll out the half of dough (Teig) skinny, lay it on the base of a greased spring-form (26 cm diameter), pierce it and let it cool for about 20 minutes.
  4. Preheat the oven onto 175 degree Celsius (in case of air circulation 155 degree Celsius), pre bake the cake ground on the second lowest rail in the oven for about 12 – 15 minutes.
  5. Stir 125 g butter (Butter), 150 g powdered sugar (Puderzucker) and vanilla sugar (Vanillezucker) until very creamy, 3 eggs (Eier) stir one after another, stir 45 g cornflour (Stärke), low fat curd cheese (Magerquark) and buttermilk (Buttermilch), stir raspberry mash (Himbeerpüree) except for 4 table spoons with 6 table spoons of the quark mass (Quarkmasse).
  6. Out of the remaining dough (Teig) you should form a rim for the cake, put it into the spring-form, fill in half of quark mass (Quarkmasse), portion out the raspberry mash (Himbeerpüree) all over it and draw through with a rod, at the end portion out the remaining quark mass all over it.
  7. Bake the cake for about 70 minutes, let it cool down, with the remaining raspberry mash (Himbeerpüree) make some decorative helices (Spiralen) and flour the cake with the leftover powdered sugar (Puderzucker).

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