Tokio Hotel and "me"

Crazy girl, Bill (Tokio Hotel) and my name :o)

Yesterday I had the opportunity to get free vip pass for a Tokio Hotel concert in the evening, but because of my surprise for my team mates on exactly that evening I just couldn’t go for this concert in Cologne 🙁  And today I got this picture from a crazy girl (I know her 😉 ) with Bill Kaulitz (the lead singer of Tokio Hotel) and a slip of paper with my name (Maciek is a belittlement of Maciej) on it. What a surprise 🙂

Update [2008.03.08]: A Tokio Hotel fan posted my pic on his Tokio Hotel site ( …
Update [2008.08.08]: And another fan page with my pic on …
Update [2008.08.11]: I had to take down the pic due to copyright objections.

0 Gedanken zu „Tokio Hotel and "me"“

  1. Hey, that’s so cool (about the whole crazy girl holding your name with Bill Kaulitz thing). Just wondering, how did you get the opportunity to get free VIP passes to a tokio hotel show? I can’t even find a way to buy VIP tickets let alone get them for free!

  2. see..this just proves that Mr Maciej must be a holy man.-.because litle girls remenber him and write his name on a sheet of paper ..when they are in tokio hotel concert..this is totally wild…
    could i have the chance of seing them alive i would go…but its understandeble is work.

  3. ah she scary, verrry scary, lmao awwww it’s BIILLLLL <3 f**k work i love them would av been there that minuet i got the tickets AND they were VIP tickets = (

    „tehe“ tschuss

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