Web 2.0 Networking in Berlin :o)

Big pics: Me, Mathilde and Matthäus, party people jumping and networking.
Small pics: Kolja and Ehssan, Lukasz, Federal Chancellery and bathtub with beer.

After the Workshop in Bremen and I went directly to party of Kolja Hebenstreit and Lukasz Gadowski in their flat in Berlin with a awesome view of the Federal Chancellery and the new central station. It was a great evening with relaxed atmosphere and terrific opportunity for networking. Beside Kolja and Lukasz I also met some other people from spreadshirt.net like e.g. Matthäus and I had the chance to get to know Ehssan Dariani from StudiVZ.net. There were also some other people from StudiVZ.net, but also people from their new project called SchülerVZ.net. From Martin Oetting (trnd.com) I learned more about ‚word of mouth marketing‚ and Kai Bolik (gameduell.de) told me some valuable experience scaling the business of internet companies. The overnight stay in the Mercure Hotel Berlin an der Charité after the party was quite short :o)

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