peperonity.com with new web site
It’s time for a small change Today our web team launched a new web site for peperonity.com. What do you think? But there is even more to come, so stay tuned!
Maciej Kuszpa an der FernUni Hagen
Maciej's Einblicke in Forschung, Lehre, Verwaltung und Campusleben an der FernUniversität in Hagen
Das Anfang 2001 gegründete Unternehmen Peperoni Mobile & Internet Software GmbH entwickelte und betrieb Plattformen für vom Endkunden erstellte Inhalte (mobiles Web 2.0). Als Pioniere und Erfinder der „mobile Homepages“ betrieb die Softwarefirma Unterhaltungsanwendungen für den Massenmarkt für Mobilfunknetzbetreiber und unter eigenen Marken, z.B. peperonity. Die Plattform peperonity.com wurde weltweit von rund 10 Mio. Besuchern monatlich genutzt, was sie zum Marktführer in diesem Segment machte.
Die Firma Peperoni Mobile & Internet Software GmbH (ehemals in 58097 Hagen) wurde am 28.02.2001 im Handelsregister beim Amtsgericht Hagen unter der Handelsregister-Nummer HRB 4101 eingetragen und am 08.10.2020 gelöscht. Die Geschäftsführung wurde durch Maciej Kuszpa (Geschäftsführer, CEO) und Thomas Bühren (Geschäftsführer, CTO) durchgehend ausgeübt – am 31.03.2006 kam die Einzelprokura durch Marcus Ladwig (Prokurist) bis zur Liquidation am 14.02.2018 hinzu. Die Peperoni Mobile & Internet Software GmbH entstand aus der Peperoni Internet-Lösungen GbR (ehemals in 58334 Breckerfeld), die von Maciej Kuszpa, Thomas Bühren, Marcus Ladwig und Kai Dornseiff am 10.11.1997 beim Gewerbeamt Breckerfeld angemeldet wurde.
Im Folgenden finden sich Beiträge aus dem Alltag der Peperoni Software GmbH, die einer historischen Dokumentation dieses Unternehmens aus Hagen in Nordrhein-Westfalen dienen.
It’s time for a small change Today our web team launched a new web site for peperonity.com. What do you think? But there is even more to come, so stay tuned!
Mobile folks barely present at BarCamp The 2nd day of the BarCamp Berlin was quite quiet. No mobile lectures, but a lot of Twitter, Blogging, Tagging and Social Media. However I had some exchange about mobile developments with two mobile entrepreneurs; Daniel Höpfner (ViiF Mobile Video) and Christian Geissendörfer (YOOSE – the mobile wallet 2.0). At the weiterlesen…
A light ‚mobile‘ breeze at BarCamp Berlin This time I visit a event called BarCamp Berlin; my first BarCamp ever. I was not only curious about the topics and participants, but also about the organisation and procedure of this kind of events. After the welcome and session slotting I visit three interesting lectures; „How to promote weiterlesen…
IdeaLab! workshops, lectures and discussions The last day of the IdeaLab! at the WHU started for me with a workshop hosted by Target Partners GmbH. Olaf Jacobi – not only venture partner, but also an experienced entrepreneur – run this very interesting workshop about the question ‚Venture Capital or Business Angel?‘. He gave us some weiterlesen…
IdeaLab with lectures of internet entrepreneurs After the opening speech of Prof. Dr. Martin Fassnacht, prorector of the Otto Beisheim School of Management (WHU), Oliver Samwer (European Founders Fund GmbH) spoke about the effects of the financial crisis on start-ups. The climate will be tough, but he believes that the internet industry still is the best for young weiterlesen…
Mobile Advertisement rocks at CTIA Today my meetings were in focus on Mobile Advertisement. I had some interesting talks with companies like AdMob, JumpTap, Medio, mkhoj, Quattro Wireless and Smaato. During the day we also had a visit by Kedric van de Carr from vator.tv for a interview. In the evening we went to a smaato reception weiterlesen…
Social Media in real life After the first day of the CTIA Wireless 2008 we first went to the AdMob CTIA Dinner Party in the Ozumo Restaurant. Sometimes the best networking is after the trade show. Like in the last year AdMob did a great job with their reception bringing together many folks from the mobile industry. All in weiterlesen…
CTIA Wireless opens the doors Today we had the first day of the CTIA Wireless I.T. & Entertainment 2008, so after nutritious breakfast I was ready for the busy trade show. During the day I also visit a CTIA Session on Mobile Social Networks which was moderated by Rhonda Wickham (Wireless Week). It was informative event weiterlesen…