Aishwarya Rai likes Peperonis :)

The internet is evil, the internet is good and the internet is a fantastic treasure trove. Today we discovered the famous and gorgeous Aishwarya Rai [ ऐश्वर्या राय – can handle hindi letters :o] with some lovely red peperonis. She was Miss World back in 1994 and seems to be a very idolized actress in weiterlesen… – the basketball community

Some days ago our business friends Holger Stockey and Frederik Peiniger started a new web 2.0 project called „“. It’s a community for all basketball players and fans in the world. Good luck to the makers of with their ambitious efforts and don’t forget to „join the world’s biggest Basketball Team“ 🙂

Milestone – Web 2.0 achievements in 6 months

New experiences on my web 2.0 expedition… Six months have past since I started this blog on and until today I all in all invested 57.5 working hours for building and updating it. But still, it’s more than fun to blog and use „web 2.0“ for investigation, documentation and discussion. In the big hype about weiterlesen…

New management book about „Organisation“

Prof. Scherm and Dr. Pietsch on the final proof-reading. Finally, we can celebrate another new management book about „Organisation“ on our Chair of Business Administration, Organization and Planning, Department of Business Administration and Economics, University in Hagen. Today I prepared a printer’s copy for Oldenbourg together with Prof. Ewald Scherm and Dr. Gotthard Pietsch. The book weiterlesen…